Caught a Cold

After 2 weeks of straight traveling on airplanes and all over the place, I finally caught a cold. I caught a cold in Puerto Rico and am recovering in Guatemala - can you believe I am saying that? I took one day to rest from my cold. Tomorrow I need to work on my Chinese visa application and hope to go back to the Mercado — I guess I missed the main hub of it. I chose to stay in Guatemala an extra 3 days because a trip from Guatemala to San Francisco goes out on Monday, then I can go to the consulate on Tuesday. I looked at all other ways of spending my time but decided that was best. Especially with my cold. I decided on 2 tours as well, one to Antigua, Guatemala on Saturday and the other to Chichicanstenego Market on Sunday, then I fly out on Monday.


Uber Eats - across the world


Guatemalan Street Salad