Chinese radish salad

This radish salad was given to me by my Chinese teacher, Susan Li’s husband Will. He made it for our Chinese “Camp Out,” and it was very popular. I couldn’t get enough of it. And so healthy. These are the radish to use in the salad. So many vegetables and fruits I get in China, I have never seen in my life, so I try them of course. Here is the recipe as given to me in Chinese:

1. 先将一整根白萝卜切成条状,放入罐中;

2.准备30-50克生姜, 把生姜切成丝状, 也放入罐中;

3.准备5个小辣椒。 小辣椒用小刀去掉里面的辣椒籽,再切成小段,也放入罐中,

4. 用筷子罐子里面的白萝卜,生姜,辣椒段搅拌均匀;

5. 加入4小勺盐 ,均匀撒再罐中;

6.加入 500毫升白醋, 然后盖好, 在阴凉的地方放置2天就可以了

Here it is fixed up from translate, and what he told me in person on how to make it:

1. First peel and cut a whole white radish into strips and put them into the container;

2. Prepare 30-50 grams of ginger, peel ginger and cut into pieces and then one inch slices, also into the container;

3. Prepare 5 small red hot peppers. Cut small pepper with a knife to remove the chili seeds inside, and then cut into small pieces, place in the container.

4. Stir the white radish, ginger, pepper evenly with chopstick;

5. Add 4 teaspoons of salt and sprinkle evenly in the container;

6. Add 500ml of white vinegar, then cover and leave in a cool place for 2 days.

Serve and enjoy.


China recipes