My nemesis: Indian pantry moth

Indian pantry moth. The thing makes me crazy. I only have discovered this insect while living in China. Somehow they enter your home in some rice or grain. Then if you don’t notice, they have a little infestation, I guess. Well, I had these little moths flying about. Irritating. I contacted my rental company, because they came around looking for termites. They would not help. Said I had to contact and pay for a pest control company. Nope, I am not going to do that. So I have been attempting to irradicate them. I now have these fly strips hanging around. I kill any that I see (on the ceiling or wall). The ceilings are so high, I throw a wet washcloth up to the ceiling wishing for the best, or at least that they will fly around and get on my fly paper. Now I am ordering moth bug traps. I also have roaches. Little ones the size of a grain of rice, and then a little bigger, like 5 grains. They are everywhere, even the fridge. Growing up in Hawaii we had SUPER BIG ones, but these are not so big but very crafty buggers. My traps to catch them are on the way as well. I will prevail eventually. I guess you keep them out by putting your pantry items in closed containers and bags. Or putting these items in the freezer first to kill any buggies.


Traditional Chinese Medicine


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