My local China grocery

I love my local grocery — Haalo. It’s so neat. First off, it has groceries but also household things, like tea accessories and towels and some plants. There is a sushi area with very clearly fresh sushi. There is a person who appears to make a soup with ingredients you select, but I haven’t figured that out yet, nor tried it. There are tons and tons of rows of frozen dumplings. And tons of options for ice cream bars - I have had many. One I thought was durian, but it tasted like garlic. Another was black sesame bar. Another is like a fish waffle with ice cream inside. Another one is like a corn waffle with ice cream inside. Then the milk section — there is milk, soy milk and in China, liquid yogurt is big. But also, I found an incredible, silky, luxurious yogurt which was amazing. There are rows and rows of strange snacks. There is a little Chinese medicine area. Then the fruit section, you have to get your item weighed and tagged or you cannot buy it. Then the vegetable section is separate and you must do the same thing. Initially I got “yelled at” by many Chinese ladies. Then there is a bulk snack area with individually packaged items. These must be weighed and tagged. Then there are areas with bulk spices, teas, rices and grains, those must be weighed and tagged. There is a Chinese cartucerie area, and this kind of meat is different. A bit sweet, it’s not my favorite. Then the meat in China is very fresh. I feel like the meet I would get in America must have some kind of preservative on it, because it can last in the fridge over a week. Not in China. It lasts like 2 days, so you need to buy it fresh or it goes to waste. But probably the thing you are eating was recently killed. It’s very good. You can get black chicken which is good for soup - the black is just the skin of the black silkie or something. You can get all kinds of varieties of roasted chicken and duck which are amazing. Unlike America, the chicken does not come by type. You may be able to find breast separate but often you get the whole bird chopped. In the Guangdong area where I live, the specialty is chicken foot in dishes — I have not tried it. And you can also get a chicken head. I just toss those, but maybe I should use for stock. The meat is often out and not packaged up until you buy it. At my grocery they recognize me and the meat ladies always say hello and wave to me. I have also discovered Guangzhou Grocery which delivers to my building and has fresh herbs and cheeses - so yum. I love to go to the Chinese markets where they have fresh live freshwater and salt water seafood and many greens and fresh fruits. Often I just take pictures. But I love to find a green I have never tried before and buy it and try it. I have discovered amaranth greens, and water spinach and asparagus lettuce and Chinese olives and many other delicious things. I am enjoying grocery shopping and cooking in China. I do not have an oven, I am thinking of getting one, but I have a gas stove. I love to make teas as well, and sit out on my balcony and watch the world go by.


My apartment in China


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