Do I bring the thunderstorms?

I am beginning to wonder if I bring the lightning and thunderstorms when I travel. I’m being serious here. Santiago, Dominican Republic in March — epic thunder and lightning storm. Interesting with the rain because on the side of the road they have these channels where the water goes and during the storm it is an epic torrent. I did brave the rainstorm to go out and get dinner — Carribbean sushi which was very strange — with plantain inside. Jamaica, end of June. I went to the beach, Harmony Beach, and as soon as I arrived it began to rain and lightning and thunder. I was in the water and started to walk out to the lifeguard stand where my stuff was. The lifeguard, who was a rasta, told me, no mon. And that it was OK to swim. They would tell everyone when the lightning got closer. After a bit, of amazing swimming while being pelted by huge raindrops, the lightning was super close and the lifeguard told everyone to get out of the water. I had to wait out the rain under a shelter with a ton of teens who were on some school field trip. I was the only non Jamaican, but they seemed to accept my presence and ignored me. Then next, Puerto Rico, when I arrived the first night there was a thunder and lightning storm. The thunder shook all the concrete buildings, it was so much and so much rain! Then Guatemala. There was a huge thunder and lightning storm with tons of rain. Then I arrive in Costa Rica, my first afternoon and night there was a huge thunder and lightning storm! If I am the bringer of storms, sorry world.


First day, Costa Rica


Sending my stuff to China