Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Hello sweet boy, currently I am in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, and it is fantasitc! Since I went to Santiago, Dominican Republic, I have been loving walking cities across the world. It’s one of my favorite things to do. So today I walked! I made a couple of videos for my fledgling YouTube channel. I made a new station on Spotify too for all the music I am hearing around the world. So fun. First I went to the San Juan National Historic Site, Castillo San Cristobal. I went to the top but I didn’t pay to go in. It had some neat views of the ocean. Its been off and on thunderstorms and lightening and rain. And in the evening time its a constant party in Old San Juan. Then I went down towards the harbor and there was some street music and all these old people. Well, the old people were belting their hearts out to Puerto Rican music and randomly dancing. It may have been one of the best things I have ever seen. Then I went to the harbor and saw some ENORMOUS fish! I don’t know what kind they were but they were like 4-6 feet long! I asked the guy at the harbor, using my terrible Spanish, “aqui es pescado?” Turns out he spoke English, he didn’t know what they were either. I let Douglas get some views at that point. Then, you will not believe it, but I found a park dedicated to pigeons! You could feed them, and there were some ladders in this tree, and some paper cranes you could make a wish on. I made 3 wishes. One was to talk to you. There was a hopscotch - dedicated to pigeons. And all these little roosting spots in the brick wall for the pigeons, and a bird bath. Then it rained a bit. Well, poured really and I sat on a stoop for a little bit. Then i was trying to make my way back to my place, and I saw what must be some kind of story pole. Then I watched the sunset. Then I found this Spanish reggae band. It was excellent! It began pouring again, everyone was hustling around and i just walked in the rain, getting all wet. It was refreshing after getting all sweaty all day with the humidity. There were these tents up, so I listened to the band for a bit. Then for dinner, you will not believe it, but I found this restaurant called El Quinque De Douglas Pub. Also, you know how I always sang the Pina Colada song and we would quote snippets to each other. Well, both times I got Douglas out today, the song played. The first, the restaurant owner, Popi of La Tortuga, just started singing when I pulled Douglas out. The second time I was in the Douglas Pub. I knew all was all right in the world when that happened.

Perhaps you were thinking of me in that minute after my wish at the pigeon park.

Hope you are well. Love you.


San Francisco

