I love gardening

Perhaps you didn’t know this about me. Back home in Washington, I had a huge and epic garden space. Well, now I live in China, in an apartment building. But yet, I garden. First thing I noticed about my apartment is that not only do I have a great view, but I also have an amazing balcony space, with water! with a spigot! And I was able to score a free table and chair from the surplus pile in my building — score! And then I began my introductory gardening efforts. First I started some green onions and a carrot in water. Neat, they grew and rooted. Then I put a garlic in the water, guess what, it rooted and got a sprout too. Cool. I planted that. Then I started my pride and joy plant, my sweet potato. Just a piece of root in water. It had the cutest little purple sprout, now it is getting ready to vine out of the pot and on to my balcony. In China, you can have greens like spinach with the sweet potato greens — you can buy them at the store. They are tasty. Then I got a passion fruit (liliquoi) and started that and then I got a tomato and now have so many plants that I shared one with my principal and one with my expat friend, Suzanne and Burger. I also started a citrus plant from a seed I got. In fact, I am constantly trying things and thinking, I could grow that. I am now a saver and save all kinds of things, so I now save any container that looks like I could use it for gardening. Now I get pots from Baopals (like our Amazon) and I get dirt, and topsoil. I now even have a kitchen compost bin to save all my food scraps and hopefully turn them into compost tea and my own soil. It’s fun. It’s my passion. And I hope to have a jungle on my balcony one of these days.


Where will I be next in the world


Hong Kong