Drive to Negril, Jamaica

I have lost track of my days in Jamaica, but tomorrow I leave, and I’ve been here 8 days. So a few days a go, my B&B Owner, Lawrence and I drove to Negril. He has other property here. I will do another post on that.

The drive was interesting. Along the way there were some communities, some are called “board houses” and they are houses made of boards, more of the shanty town, there are also subdivisions and I can’t remember they name they call them, essentially planned communities.

Along the way we went through a few towns, one was called Lucee. One thing interesting is that there are roaming goats. I guess during a hurricane, some of them escaped from the zoo and multiplied. There were a lot of fences and some buildings made of branches, with barbed wire between.

I asked Lawrence if all of the metal gates and such were supposed to be to keep people out. He said that, but also during hurricanes lots of stuff flies around, so the grates protect the windows. And no animals come in the yard. And because it’s a design feature. The grate designs alone are a whole nother level of beautiful art.

We stopped by his house and I met his daughter, who amazingly, is coming to the same city I am in China, Guanzhou. We exchanged info on Instagram and hopefully can meet across the world.

When we arrived, Lawrence took me to the grocery store and then dropped me later at Rick’s Cafe. It is the famous place. But it was too busy and crazy for me. I have tended to avoid the places where all of the tourists are, and all of the tourists were there.

I really like Negril. Its more low key than Montego Bay. I would like to come back and explore the whole island.


Negril 7 Mile Beach


How Jamaicans Eat a Mango